
Summer Resolutions

Okayyyy peeps, I know I haven't been posting much lately but my exams are pretty much keeping me busy all the time, I bet you can understand how I feel, we all felt this at some point of our life and I'm not expecting university to be any better.

Not going to talk much about my life nor thoughts I have in mind lately but about what I want to do this summer. Seeing as this "Summer 2013" is going to be -probably- one of the best ones in my life until now, I decided I will record and write (mostly record/film, will talk about that as well) everything that will be going on.
First of all, I need to do my selectivity exams, but after that the summer will have began and I will have time to do everything I want to.
I'm doing plans already, and me and my friends Tania and Laura are looking forward to do a pamper evening together (thanks for the tips about it Zoe) to take off our shoulders all the weight of our school-year (uni for them, I'm the youngest heehaw).
After that, I plan to see more my older friends, the ones I thought forgot about me but seem to be thrilling with the idea of seeing me more this summer so I'm up to it because I want to push myself into more sociable experiences. I will go to the beach, try to have fun, hang out in starbucks if I'm not too poor, go to the pool... That kind of summer-ish things, you know.

Then the great projects begin...
On the first of July, both Hannah and Grace, two friends I met through twitter who are the most awesome girls ever, will come to Barcelona and will stay in my house for ten days. I expect a bit of vlogging those days, if they let me, going through the most interesting places in here and just recording stuff to remember for years. 
I have always been into filming ever since my dad took his camera to Disneyland Paris the first time my sister and I went when we were 7 and 5 (she's two years older than me). I remember taking his big camera and trying to film everything that was going on. Right now you can still watch what I recorded and even though it's all blurry and I’m shacking most of the time, it's really fun and interesting to see what my 5 year old self was seeing and discovering.
I don't know yet if all those clips I am intending to do will be uploaded somewhere, maybe youtube, but I'm still trying to find out.
Then the 10th, Hannah, Grace and I will be heading to England, where I'll stay at Hannah's for eight more days. I don't know if I'll film much there because I don't want her family and friends to think I'm a weirdo.
After that, I think I will be working until August, when I will go to my mum's hometown for half month. 
I usually have lots of fun there, because the people is so chill, everyone's relaxed and I'm surrounded by pretty mountains and forests (which I love).

...I might have forgot to tell you that I will also be 18 the 16th of August, for what I'm expecting a big party and probably being drunk. 

Then days will pass by and during September, I should be already starting University **BUT** I am such a bad student and also such a hardcore fan and, as McFly is going to do a special gig celebrating their 10th anniversary in London, Tania, Laia and me are going there (!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED !!!!!!!!) for four/five days (haven't decided that yet), which will be something really cool and I'm so so so looking forward to film -if the girls let me, of course-. 

So, and going back to this post's title, my Summer Resolutions are to have fun, be more sociable, film stuff and of course make this summer the best one possible. 

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